
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
If I told ya New Orleans own Jazz Saxophonist Donald Harrison Jr played a MAJOR part in the rap history of Biggie Smalls would you believe me? Well BELIEVE IT! We get the story from Donald Harrison Jr., Big Chief of Congo Square! He talks about his journey as a Jazz saxophonist, historical and cultural information about New Orleans Masking Indians and how he musically educated New York hip hop icon Christopher Wallace aka Notorious B.I.G.!
Get an earful of the entire story of The Big Chief, Big Poppa, and the Big Sax! Donald Harrison Jr. talks Jazz, Masking Indians and teaching Biggie Smalls
Follow Donald Harrison Jr. on instagram @donharmusi or www.DonaldHarrison.com for more info
Get ready for the Wild Wayne Unchained Podcast (cue applause)!!! We'll talk it up about culture, cuisine and lifestyle! So strap on your seat belt and we bout to ride! Wild Wayne IS THE VOICE OF NEW ORLEANS! He has been an iconic media figure for over 2 decades with radio accolades, television shows, blockbuster movie cameos, philanthropy and now culinary guru! Plus WWU will be co-piloted by New Orleans hustler of the year, fashion icon, and cigar aficionado Shawn Royal aka Charlie P. Hustle. Additionally, we will feature some of the most innovative and colorful characters from NOLA and beyond! Available on Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play Music, Spreaker and more!
#WECONTROLTHENARRATIVE! Podcast 9 coming SOON! Subscribe today and stay tuned....
Recorded at BuckJump Studios
Engineered by C. Smith
Filmed by Royal Films
Music by Donald Harrison Jr.
Press release by Angelique Phipps
For sponsorship and advertising inquiries - call 504-258-0200 or via email wildwayneunchained@gmail.com

Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Get ready for the Wild Wayne Unchained Podcast (cue applause)!!! We'll talk it up about culture, cuisine and lifestyle! So strap on your seat belt and we bout to ride! Wild Wayne IS THE VOICE OF NEW ORLEANS! He has been an iconic media figure for over 2 decades with radio accolades, television shows, blockbuster movie cameos, philanthropy and now culinary guru! Plus WWU will be co-piloted by New Orleans hustler of the year, fashion icon, and cigar aficionado Shawn Royal aka Charlie P. Hustle. Additionally, we will feature some of the most innovative and colorful characters from NOLA and beyond!
Here comes episode 7...
You want New Orleans history, THIS IS IT! On this episode, we talk to Vance Vaucresson, a sausage maker and walking NOLA history lesson! This conversation dives into his family's century old sausage making business in the 7th ward, PLUS soooooo much invaluable history about everything from the Circle Food Store to Octaroon Balls to the REAL origins of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival!!! This episode IS GOOD STUFF and will educate you on the cuisine, culture, and history New Orleans!
Get an earful of the entire story of Vance Vaucresson, a Family of Sausage Makers and So Much NOLA History
Follow Vance Vaucresson on instagram @Vaucresson_sausage or www.Vaucressonsausage.com for more info
#WECONTROLTHENARRATIVE! Podcast 8 coming SOON! Subscribe today and stay tuned....
Recorded at BuckJump Studios
Engineered by C. Smith
Filmed by Jonathan Thomas
Music by Vance Vaucresson
Press release by Angelique Phipps
For sponsorship and advertising inquiries - call 504-258-0200 or via email wildwayneunchained@gmail.com

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Ms Loretta, the Praline Queen of New Orleans
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Get ready for the Wild Wayne Unchained Podcast (cue applause)!!! We'll talk it up about culture, cuisine and lifestyle! So strap on your seat belt and we bout to ride! Wild Wayne IS THE VOICE OF NEW ORLEANS! He has been an iconic media figure for over 2 decades with radio accolades, television shows, blockbuster movie cameos, philanthropy and now culinary guru! Plus WWU will be co-piloted by New Orleans hustler of the year, fashion icon, and cigar aficionado Shawn Royal aka Charlie P. Hustle. Additionally, we will feature some of the most innovative and colorful characters from NOLA and beyond!
Here comes episode 6...
It don't matter whether you call 'em Pralines, Plarines, Pray-leens, or Pecan Candies, just as long as you get 'em from Ms. Loretta's Authentic Pralines! We have a lively discussion with Ms. Loretta Harrison about her entepeneurial journey from humble beginnings in St. Bernard Parish to the world of Pralines! We also get the little known history of the origins of Pralines. Ms. Loretta is quite the firecracker and a New Orleans gem! Get an earful of the entire story of Ms. Loretta, the Praline Queen of New Orleans!
Follow Ms. Loretta on instagram @LorettasPralines or www.LorettasPralines.com for more info
Visit Loretta's Authentic Pralines
2101 N. Rampart St. and 1100 N. Peters Street in NOLA
#WECONTROLTHENARRATIVE! Podcast 7 coming SOON! Subscribe today and stay tuned....
Recorded at BuckJump Studios
Engineered by C. Smith
Filmed by C. Smith x Royal Films
Pictures by Wild Wayne x C. Smith
For sponsorship and advertising inquiries - call 504-258-0200 or via email wildwayneunchained@gmail.com

Monday Feb 04, 2019
Choppa Style from the Westbank to Worldwide!
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Get ready for the Wild Wayne Unchained Podcast (cue applause)!!! We'll talk it up about culture, cuisine and lifestyle! So strap on your seat belt and we bout to ride! Wild Wayne IS THE VOICE OF NEW ORLEANS! He has been an iconic media figure for over 2 decades with radio accolades, television shows, blockbuster movie cameos, philanthropy and now culinary guru! Plus WWU will be co-piloted by New Orleans hustler of the year, fashion icon, and cigar aficionado Shawn Royal aka Charlie P. Hustle. Additionally, we will feature some of the most innovative and colorful characters from NOLA and beyond!
Here comes episode 5...
WHO DEY WANT??? CHOPPA STYLE, CHOP CHOP CHOPPA STYLE! That has been the chorus heard round New Orleans for the last couple of months of the Saints most interesting season. But really that song has been ringing for almost 2 decades now! Darwin Turner aka the Real Choppa has been entrenched in the entertainment business since first sharpening his verbal skills on Wild Wayne's 9 O'clock props, and graduating to Take Fo, No Limit, Body Head and now the Superdome! Get an earful of the entire story of Choppa Style from the Westbank to Worldwide!
Follow Choppa on instagram @realchoppastyle for more info
#WECONTROLTHENARRATIVE! Podcast 6 coming SOON! Subscribe today and stay tuned....
Recorded at BuckJump Studios
Engineered by C. Smith
Filmed by Jonathan Thomas
Pictures by Jonathan Thomas
Music by Choppa - "Choppa Style"
Libations - Cajun Fire Brewery
For sponsorship and advertising inquiries - call 504-258-0200 or via email wildwayneunchained@gmail.com

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Get ready for the Wild Wayne Unchained Podcast (cue applause)!!! We'll talk it up about culture, cuisine and lifestyle! So strap on your seat belt and we bout to ride! Wild Wayne IS THE VOICE OF NEW ORLEANS! He has been an iconic media figure for over 2 decades with radio accolades, television shows, blockbuster movie cameos, philanthropy and now culinary guru! Plus WWU will be co-piloted by New Orleans hustler of the year, fashion icon, and cigar aficionado Shawn Royal aka Charlie P. Hustle. Additionally, we will feature some of the most innovative and colorful characters from NOLA and beyond!
Here comes episode 4...
Today we talk a field trip down historic Bayou Road in New Orleans, one of the oldest streets in America. On the trip we get the story of Bayou Road and visit a speakeasy called Whiskey and Sticks. We talk with radio vet and owner Kelder Summers about premium cigars and whiskeys! Take a listen and make sure and leave a comment.
Follow Whiskey and Sticks on instagram @whiskeyandsticks and @keldersummers for more info
#WECONTROLTHENARRATIVE! Podcast 5 coming SOON! Subscribe today and stay tuned....
Recorded at BuckJump Studios
Engineered by C. Smith
Filmed by Damian Gordon of Rich In Spirit Productions
Pictures by Jonathan Blake Vasquez and Harold P
Music by Tonya Boyd Cannon - "In New Orleans" and "Whiskey and Sticks"
Voice Over - Monica Renee
Writer - Wayne Benjamin Jr.
For sponsorship and advertising inquiries - call 504-258-0200 or via email wildwayneunchained@gmail.com

Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Get ready for the Wild Wayne Unchained Podcast (cue applause)!!! We'll talk it up about culture, cuisine and lifestyle! So strap on your seat belt and we bout to ride! Wild Wayne IS THE VOICE OF NEW ORLEANS! He has been an iconic media figure for over 2 decades with radio accolades, television shows, blockbuster movie cameos, philanthropy and now culinary guru! Plus WWU will be co-piloted by New Orleans hustler of the year, fashion icon, and cigar aficionado Shawn Royal aka Charlie P. Hustle. Additionally, we will feature some of the most innovative and colorful characters from NOLA and beyond!
Here comes episode 3...
Today we were blessed to more MIA X! New Orleans #NATIVE, legend, author, historian, rapper, community activist, and cook!
We talk about her rap beginnings, as Polo B with New York Incorporated, Mannie Fresh The Payback, Warren Mayes, Bobby Marchan, KLC, Master P and No Limit!
Mia discusses the evolution of New Orleans hip hop and bounce and the need for more acknowledgment for New Orleans hip hop artists massive contribution to the whole New Orleans music history!
We talk about Mia X's #TeamWhipDemPots and her 2 cookbooks
This session with Mia X is an important piece of recording New Orleans' rich cultural heritage and history....it is raw...it is unapologetic...it is candid...it is UNCHAINED!
Follow Mia X on instagram @themamamiax for info on her victories, books and more!
#WECONTROLTHENARRATIVE! Podcast 4 coming next week 1/18 at 1:18am! Subscribe today and stay tuned....
Recorded at BuckJump Studios
Engineered by C. Smith
Filmed by Damian Gordon of Rich In Spirit Productions
Pictures by Jonathan Blake Vasquez
For sponsorship and advertising inquiries - call 504-258-0200 or via email wildwayneunchained@gmail.com

Friday Jan 04, 2019
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Get ready for the Wild Wayne Unchained Podcast (cue applause)!!! We'll talk it up about culture, cuisine and lifestyle! So strap on your seat belt and we bout to ride! Wild Wayne IS THE VOICE OF NEW ORLEANS! He has been an iconic media figure for over 2 decades with radio accolades, television shows, blockbuster movie cameos, philanthropy and now culinary guru! Plus WWU will be co-piloted by New Orleans hustler of the year, fashion icon, and cigar aficionado Shawn Royal aka Charlie P. Hustle. Additionally, we will feature some of the most innovative and colorful characters from NOLA and beyond!
Here comes episode 2...
Today we were blessed to have MIA X! New Orleans #NATIVE, legend, author, historian, rapper, community activist, and cook!
We talk about her homeless needs drive
Her 7th Ward upbringing and cultural influence
We talk about surprising NOLA family ties and long lost relationships...THE ESSENCE OF NEW ORLEANS!
This session with Mia X is an important piece of recording New Orleans' rich cultural heritage and history....it is raw...it is unapologetic...it is candid...it is UNCHAINED!
Follow Mia X on instagram @themamamiax for info on her victories, books and HERE ARE THEdetails on her homeless drive!
This all started at the red light on Esplanade and Claiborne. I saw a man doing a #2 and using a bag to wipe himself. I was frozen. We buy tissue and toiletries in bulk and honestly take having necessities for granted. There are well over 1200 homeless people in New Orleans. Some are suffering from depression and mental illness. Others have simply run out of options.
I have never seen so many homeless people in this small city in my life. January 9th help me to make a small change to jumpstart a continuous help effort.
I'm asking when you make a trip to the grocery or dollar tree if you would be so kind to pick up an item that someone can use. @sess45 of @nuthinbutfirerecords and @peachesrecords have been kind enough you allow their locations as drop off points. And the items assembly will be January 9th 11-2pm at the Treme center
Nothing is too small. Everything is helpful and appreciated. I can't imagine not having toilet paper or a toothbrush soap sanitary napkins on top of not having a roof over my head. There but for Gods grace go us ALL. Thank you for your compassion and support 💜
As a disclaimer, this podcast is 2 parts and will be released in 2 consecutive weeks! Stay tuned....
Recorded at BuckJump Studios
Engineered by C. Smith
Filmed by Damian Gordon of Rich In Spirit Productions
Pictures by Jonathan Blake Vasquez
For sponsorship and advertising inquiries - call 504-258-0200 or via email wildwayneunchained@gmail.com

Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Episode 1 - Straight outta New Orleans with a New Year and a New Show!
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Get ready for the Wild Wayne Unchained Podcast (cue applause)!!! We'll talk it up about culture, cuisine and lifestyle! So strap on your seat belt and we bout to ride! Wild Wayne IS THE VOICE OF NEW ORLEANS! He has been an iconic media figure for over 2 decades with radio accolades, television shows, blockbuster movie cameos, philanthropy and now culinary guru! Plus WWU will be co-piloted by New Orleans hustler of the year, fashion icon, and cigar aficionado Shawn Royal aka Charlie P. Hustle. Additionally, we will feature some of the most innovative and colorful characters from NOLA and beyond!
Here comes episode 1...
Today we talk about the ridiculous ideas of New Years resolutions, New Orleans New Years traditions, we drop that NYE bounce beat by C. Smith and we eat some New Years muffelatas!
Recorded at BuckJump Studios
Engineered by C. Smith
Filmed by Damian Gordon of Rich In Spirit Productions
For sponsorship and advertising inquiries - call 504-258-0200 or via email wildwayneunchained@gmail.com